My Foster Daughter Became An Electrician: It Was in Her DNA
Having been a newspaper reader for five decades, the declining standard of news in print has one upside: the ever-diminishing disappointment of not accepting a cadetship more than thirty years ago. Today's gripe was triggered by a cruciverbalist who seems to think...

The Joy of Fostering
Parenting is, perhaps, one of the most fulfilling roles on the planet. It is, equally, one of the most challenging at times. In the main, parenting is predicated on the blood is thicker than water principle. For many, parenting is more natural evolution than conscious...

Turning the Family Kitchen Into a Bonding Space
In homes around the globe, is there any place warmer than around the kitchen table with your family? This is the engine room where nurturing is bubbling on the stove and loved ones cook up something special for each other. We all know the titles, “Kitchen Table...

Caring for Foster Kids and Adoptees: Healthcare for the Disadvantaged
In the United States, children who need out-of-home placement are put in the foster care system so that they will be protected and sheltered. However, some children spend long periods of time in orphanages and foster homes, despite the fact that they should be lined...

Adoption Not Such a Gamble for Some
It is a fact of life that you cannot choose your adoptive parents. In some cases, these adoptions just don’t work out. It may be due to unsuitable adoptive parents and/or unforeseen situations occurring. Whatever it is, it is a tragedy for both child and parents; and...

Foreign Adoption and Life in Sydney
For so many years, it is common all around the world to adopt children from China and the Southeast Asia. Many orphaned children, either the product of war or poverty, ended up with Australian families who took them in as their own. We talked to two members of the...

Ten Ways That Being Adopted Is Cool
Adoption gives parents a new opportunity to have a fresh start in their married life. Many couples often find it to be one of the missing key pieces that makes their relationship complete. For children, being adopted opens a window to a new life and opportunity. Here...

Are Crazy “Birther” Conspiracy Theorist Adoptions Only Hope?
Why Donald Trump & President Obama’s Freud Over Birth Certificates Should Be Encouraged for Adoption Seriously. There are several reasons why people who care about adoptees and their civil rights should be whole heartingly subscribing to supporting the Birther...